Alligator National Enduro 2019

Round 2 of NEPG took place this past weekend in Ormond Beach, FL (just outside of Daytona), which is roughly an 18 hour drive for us. The weather was looking like upper 70s and sunny skies!

Saturday, we arrived early enough to walk part of test 6 and soak up the sunshine. I am glad we did because it gave us a huge indicator of how the trail would be, thick and lots of sharp corners.

Test 1 was 6.5 miles, flowed decently but I did blow a handful of corners. The trail was really hard to read because of all the palmettos grown up and arrows being low to the ground. I was feeling pretty good. I came up on Rachel Gutish (Beta USA rider) with her helmet off and not looking so good. I stopped to check on her and she asked me to get help. I found the first course worker and attempted to instruct him on where she was. Rachel ended up breaking her elbow, wishing her a speedy recovery!

Test 2 was palmetto root hell. Billons of these nasty things in two miles of the 5. It was horrible. I rather ride over boulders any day. For those of you who do not know, palmetto roots are big, hard, and slick. I was so glad to finish that test.

Test 3, I do not remember a lot about it but it was my favorite. It flowed the best and it was the least amount of times of blowing corners. It had more sandy conditions and less palmettos.

Test 4 and 5, was tight and lots of 90 degree turns. Even had marshy sections causing deep ruts and mud holes. I made good line choices and did not come close to getting stuck. In 5, there was a massive rattle snake in the middle of the trail. It absolutely scared the shit out of me. I raised my leg over my bars and screamed. I am not a fan of snakes! I got so bent out of shape about it, I tensed up and did everything possible to not end up on the ground. Super sketchy.

Test 6 was back to palmetto root hell. Part 0f 6 was test 2 backwards and of course it was the 2 miles of palmetto roots. That was horrible. They got even bigger and slicker!! The heat started to get to me in this one and I fell off my pace. I was happy to see the end.

The palmetto roots were a shocker. The lack of vision made it feel like we were racing through a jungle and getting comfortable with the terrain was difficult. I finished the day 6th out of 8 in womens elite. The 2019.5 Fly kinetic mesh gear is bright and vibrant (my fave) and I was pumped to have a set to tackle the Florida heat.

Great job to the Bonecutter Off Road riders who made the haul!

Womens Elite – Tayler Bonecutter 6th (Beta)

Womens Elite – Jessica DeLee 7th (Beta)

Womens Amateur – Kylie Harris 3rd (Beta)

A 200 – Broc French 3rd (Beta)

A 200 – Huck Jenkins 9th (Beta)

A +40 – Scott Boyer 3rd (Beta)

A +50 – Steve Bonecutter 12th (Beta)

C+40 – Jeremy Harris 2nd (Beta)

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