Gearing up for Race Season: Part 2
Now that the bike is ready to go, are you? Sometimes making a check list help prevents forgetting important items like your gear and FOOD! If you forget the food, there most likely is a store along the way just don’t forget to stop. Forgetting gear is a little more difficult to make up for. Especially, when your 1,000 miles away from home.
The first race of the year is always tough getting ready for. If you are like me, you have gear scattered between two vans, the garage at home, the house, shop in town. Literally, EVERYWHERE. So, first step is to find it all! Make sure you have at least one/set of helmet, gloves, goggles, camel pack, knee pad/braces, boots, pants, and jersey. Now that all of that is found, make sure the goggles are prepped and clean and that everything is in usable condition. Being a girl can be tough sometimes, especially when you are indecisive on what Fly Racing gear set to wear. I narrow it down to two sets and make a decision on race day….
Don’t forget the gas cans. If you ride a 2T don’t forget the oil for the gas. Don’t forget the chairs so you can be comfortable while bull sh!tting. If you have a canopy, bring it. Are you camping? If so, don’t forget the blankets. Nothing is more miserable than being cold all night. A change of clothes would be smart, along with a heavy jacket just in case it is colder than expected.
FOOD AND WATER. If you are camping, make sure you bring enough for the entire weekend. It is important to eat on race day, it is your body’s fuel. I can’t stress enough the importance of being hydrate especially in the dead heat of the summer. So, eat and drink up!
Load up and hit the road! Planning for extra drive time is smart, better to be way early than late.