Gobbler Getter National Enduro
Final round of NEPG took place in Stanton, AL. I have never ridden in Alabama but had heard it to be sandy, big whoops, and be aware of wet red clay in corners. A little over an inch of rain earlier in the week made conditions AMAZING! I mean, the dirt was PRIMO!!!!
The first two tests were 8 miles each and brutal! 3 ft whoops to very tight trees was very demanding and kept my heart rate high. I could not find a flow through the whoops. I was really hoping all the tests would not be this bad. I reminded myself to stay positive and have fun.
Test 3 was a short one. All I really remember about it was, I liked it more than the first two and I wrecked one time.
Test 4 was another 8.8 miles but I was finally feeling like I could ride. The huge whoops were minimal and only a few tight tree sections. It flowed good, with hills and occasional rock. So far this was my favorite test and left me excited for test 5.
In between test 4 and test 5, I had a 20-minute break. I sent my mom a text to see how I was doing. She said, “you really need to get focused for test 5, you are 1 minutes and 40 seconds from 4th place”. That was more than enough to get me pumped. Before the test started, I put in my head this is the last test for the year and so what if you have a hard wreck, just focus, ride, and make every second count. Right off the bat they shot us up Perry Mountain, a long flowing uphill. Only a few whoop sections, some muddy clay corners, rocks, uphill’s, downhills, a little bit of everything! I felt like I was riding well and the 10 miles went really fast!! Having my mindset different really showed in my times between test 4 and 5. Test 4 was 8.8 miles and it took me 34 minutes and 22 seconds. Test 5 was 35 minutes and 47 seconds.
By the end of the enduro, I decided this place was not bad and actually fun. I finished the day in 5th place, down from 4th by 39 seconds and 3rd by 5 minutes and 21 seconds. I have learned a lot this year about riding in different terrains and how to push myself.
Prior to Alabama, my dad wrecked really hard and dislocated his shoulder, resulting not getting to race. He was super bummed but joined Frank to help pit.
Gobbler Getter Results:
A +40 – Steve Leivan (Sherco) 1st
A +40 – Scott Boyer (Beta) 3rd
Womens Elite – Tayler Bonecutter (Beta) 5th
NEPG Year End:
A +40 – Steve Leivan (Sherco) CHAMPION
A +40 – Scott Boyer (Beta) 3rd
A +50 – Steve Bonecutter (Beta) 2nd
Womens Elite – Tayler Bonecutter (Beta) 3rd
Photo Credits: Shan Moore and Patrick Smith