Slightly out of the ordinary blog post. I have something on my mind worth sharing, IMO.
I have had some down time the last few weeks and I realized this is the most time I have spent at “home” since January. My gypsy soul tells me to travel, so I do. Every weekend. I feel most alive when I am on the road. Seeing new and old views. I have driven 25,000+ miles so far this year. I travel to race my dirt bike, promote the shop, and have new adventures. Some think it is crazy, some might think it’s ambitious, some might wonder when will I stop.

Honestly, I have wondered that a time or two. I don’t have a timeline on ‘when’ I might slow down and travel less. I’ve gotten asked that many times and after giving my answer, I sense a “HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW”. I’ve often wondered if there is something wrong with that. After listening to a Podcast recently with Courtney Dauwalter on it, she mentioned something similar to this when it comes to running ultramarathons. It was one of the most relatable things I have heard, so it got me thinking, maybe there are others out there thinking there is something wrong with them because they are not following a “timeline” like most of their peers. I know I am not on a timeline.
You do not need a plan to live your life. You do not have to know in 5 years you will be done racing. You do not have to be married with kids by 25. What you do need is to live YOUR life the way you want to do it. AND HAVE FUN. If you feel called towards something, follow it. If it scares you, great. That feeling will become addictive.
I encourage you to explore and see what else is out there. It can be scary, even more so by yourself, but it is worth it. It grows you as a person, it teaches new things you might of not learned anywhere else, and forces you to focus on the current moment. Not what happened last week or what might happen next weekend.
For me, I firmly believe, I will know when driving across the country every weekend is no longer an interest. I do know this, my 5 years would be up for these travels if I put a ‘timeline’ on it. I still feel the same free feeling as I did on the first magical trip. So for now, I will continue to get lost most weekends of the year, meeting new people, expanding my horizons, having random photoshoots on a highway, and living in the moment.