MORE Lead Farm 2019
Round 2 of the MORE series was last weekend in Versailles, MO. This property is by far one of the best in Missouri. When it’s not muddy, the dirt is so good and the flow of the trail is amazing keeping the fun factor awfully high!! Anyone that lives in the local area already knows it has pretty much rained almost everyday for the last few months so the dirt was not as b!tchin’ as last year but it was not a mudder.
Saturday the trail was slick in spots and loads of traction in others. So, it was easy to be going way too fast and lose traction without knowing until it was too late. In the Sportsman race, I had a horrible start. It took a few laps before I could make some passes. Once I finally did, I picked up the pace some but ultimately felt like a stiff grandma so I did not make up much. I finished 9th in Sportsman Intermediate. Saturday afternoon, I raced Ladies A and it was great to have another fellow Beta 250 rider in the class, Kylie Harris. I got the holeshot, still rode pretty stiff but kept myself together enough to get 1st. The trail was a lot of fun and not slick like the morning race.
Not really a surprise, but it rained overnight and Sunday morning. Lovely….. Morning race appeared to be very slick and wet. My mom even found water waist deep! Which is very deep… she might have been sitting in it but that’s beside the point lol. By Sunday afternoon, conditions were less wet and had some mud ruts. All n all, it was not that bad just had some slimy ruts. I had a great start, second to the woods and then fell to third. Shortly after the start, I caught a vine, thorns, tree branch, or something and it felt like it ripped my head off. I had some battle wounds from that one. About halfway through the first lap, I got into a situation that needed some unnecessary force used. It bothered an issue I have been having for a few weeks from a wreck. I toughed it out the best I could, finished but you could definitely say it was less of a race and more of a trail ride. Kinda bummed but it happens and I will be ready for the next one! I finished 11th in B.
If you have not raced a MORE yet, you should. The trails flow and everything is consistent. BUT follow the rules that are posted and have good sportsmanship. Shoutout to the MORE crew and sweepers for racing when rain is scary and picking up the bikes on the trail!
Great job to all the Bonecutter Off Road riders!
Sportsman Expert – Huck Jenkins 4th (Beta)
Sportsman Expert – Colton Pratt 5th (Sherco)
Sportsman Expert – Chris Cassil 7th (Sherco)
Sportsman Expert – Steve Bonecutter 8th (Sherco)
Sportsman Intermediate – Tayler Bonecutter 9th (Beta)
Sportsman Schoolboy – Kylie Harris 5th (Beta)
Sportsman Amateur +40 – Jeremy Harris 2nd (Beta)
Sportsman Amateur +40 – Steve Summers 7th (Beta)
Sportsman Amateur +40 – Mike Rothganger 9th (Beta)
Sportsman Amateur +40 – Rob Steele 11th (Beta)
Ladies A – Tayler Bonecutter 1st (Beta)
Ladies A – Kylie Harris 2nd (Beta)
Ladies B – Missy Bonecutter 1st (Sherco)
Pro – Wyatt Bonecutter 4th (Sherco)
A – Colton Pratt 1st (Sherco)
A – Steve Bonecutter 5th (Sherco)
A – Nick Smith 7th (Sherco)
B – Tayler Bonecutter 11th (Beta)
C+40 – Jeremy Harris 3rd (Beta)
C+40 – Travis Opie 4th (Sherco)
C+40 – Mike Rothganger 6th (Beta)