I have kicked off the 2023 race season with some motocross racing. A couple of great friends of mine are racing The Texas Winter Series and asked if I wanted to join. I will admit, I was slightly hesitant at first, but I agreed to go. I have raced two so far.

My first gate drop and motocross race was A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT experience than anything I have ever done. It is wild to realize how much pure sprint speed is involved. There are 4 laps per moto and done. You gotta go and not lallygag around. Gate drops and its 0-100. My aggressiveness, comfort, and sprint pace were not quite up to par with the first race. I finished 17th out of 24 ladies. That’s right, this series pulled 24 RAD ladies! That is the largest number of girls I have ever lined up against. I love it!

I had so much fun, Texas dirt is magical, and it’s something so different, I want to figure it out. So, I decided I will do another round.. You know I am a big moto girl… ha-ha. I mean, I did remove my kickstand, ditch the full wrap handguards and put flags on, and stiffen up my suspension.
With that being said, I made another appearance at the next round. Leading up to the race, I worked on sprint speed, live engine starts, and getting comfy hitting jumps. I still have a wase to go on the jumps, just lacking confidence and flow. The race was at Village Creek. The dirt is hard pack, like the luxury dirt we have here in Missouri. There was also 100 yards of silty sand. I attacked practice and got as familiar as I could with the track. The first gate drop, I had a really good start was in the top 5ish in the first corner. I rode more aggressively and made the faster girls work to get around me. I had a couple good battles, but I did slow down on the last lap. I was not tired just haven’t held sprint speed that long. In the second moto, I did not have a great start but still had battles the entire time. Same thing lost the sprint speed towards the end. I finished 13th out of 21.
I was pleased with the progress and I truly believe getting uncomfortable will help me in the off road scene.
I am having fun, so there is a solid chance motocross races will be a more regular thing! The ladies community in the Texas MX race scene is strong and a very encouraging group. It cool to be a part of it.