Wilderness Buffalo Ranch was a rocky experience! It reminded me of some of the rougher, rockier stuff here in a Missouri, loose enough to keep you on your toes. I had an “ok” race just tried to keep it upright. My favorite section was test 4 because it had a little less rock and a lot more flow. Test 5 was a nightmare. It got super technical with a gnarly creek section and a big ass log. I came up to the log with a few people hung on it. I kept it off the ground all day other than the mishap in a transfer.
The biggest thing I learned from this weekend was, a lot of people take things to serious & you never know when it’s your time. So here’s your reminder to let loose & tell the important people in your life you love them. It’s short and you never know. My thoughts & prayers are with the family of the man regarding the first section.
I finished P7. Really not where I want to be at but I simply couldn’t go any faster in the terrain. Overall great weekend with my NEPG crew!